Monday, July 4, 2011

Snorkeling in Kona - July 3rd and 4th, 2011

Unlike Maui, good snorkeling spots on the Big Island are few and far between. One of the better ones is very close to our condo - Kahalu'u Beach Park. The entry into the water is quite rocky but soon we were swimming in the midst of sea turtles; foot long fish in a variety of colors and designs - yellow, blue, white, spotted, striped; sea urchins and anemones...

This was Priya first foray into snorkeling - after a few gulps of salty sea water, she was comfortable, while tightly gripping my hands! She squealed when the sea turtle swam close to us. Arun and Murali went deeper into the ocean, up to the breakwaters, and saw lot more sea life. Arun got a little too adventurous and came back with some scrapes after an encounter with a shark (sea urchin, really!) One of the turtles was sunbathing very close to the shore - fun to watch up close!

The sand is salt and pepper in color, built up from all the volcanic activity over hundreds of years on this island. But clearly, a far cry from the snorkeling mecca of Maui.

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