Sunday, May 6, 2012

Visit to Yingge, Taiwan

Today we landed at 6:15am to a bright, sunny day in Taiwan.  The flight was extremely smooth and comfortable, and I slept for 10 whole hours.  Also watched two oscar nominated movies, Hugo and War Horse..
Teddy, Yuyi and their daughter Donna picked me up at the Sheraton, Hsinchu and we drove to the ceramic village of Yingge.  Lots of shops, big and small, sold ceramic teapots, teacups, mugs, vases, planters, soup bowls, and many more items.  It was easy to distinguish the more pricey locally produced pottery from the cheaper, chinese imports.  We walked around a couple of streets, and I picked up some souvenirs.  The crowd consisted of many locals doing their Sunday shopping, as well as tourists from China!

We had lunch at a delightful vegetarian restaurant, xxxxxxxx, where I had the most amazing, spicy brown rice with kimchi.  Delicious!!  For my return, I took the High Speed Rail (HSR) from Taoyuan station to Hsinchu station, and a short cab ride (T$130) brought me back to the Sheraton.  Great day to break in jetlag!

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