Sunday, June 20, 2010

Busch Stadium, Ted Drewes

Today is Father's Day. What better way to spend a hot, humid afternoon than on the last deck of sparkling new Busch Stadium? Shekar's family and ours were joined by Arun's friend Cyrus and his mom to watch the Cardinals battle the A's! Our own home team from the Bay Area - what a coincidence!! Murali and I were one of only 4-5 fans in the whole stadium who were supporting the A's.

Busch Stadium is awesome - the newly built facility seated over 40000 fans with plenty of room to spare. Many different seating levels, activities for kids (Build a bear factory), ice cold beer (served at your seat) took care of children, fathers and moms. The family behind us mentioned their parents lived in Sunnyvale - small world indeed. The afternoon ended very well with the A's beating the Cardinals 3-2, and Arjun losing his bet to Bear Uncle for an icecream treat.

Talking about a cold treat, we went looking for Ted Drewes,, a Saint Louis "must visit" place. Their frozen custard treats are "out of this world", "awesomest" as described by Priya. Funny enough, Shekar's family & Priya ended up at a different location, not knowing there were two locations within the city. The cold, sweet custardy milkshake helped us cool down fast...I can see it becoming a stop next time as well.