Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sky Zone, Stir Crazy

We relaxed at home today. Murali and Arun were tired after their hectic visit to the East Coast, and needed a day to recharge. Kids played various sessions of Wii, PS2 games. Shekar put up a fence around the vegetable garden with Arun's help. By 4:30pm, the younger three kids were restless and needed to get out of the house.

We visited Sky Zone,( one of the newer indoor recreational centers, with heavy duty trampolines for jumping around! Arya, Arjun and Priya even played dodgeball, against a group of 6th graders. An hour of jumping was enough to get the three of them ravenously hungry, and singing songs about Pau Gasol (Lakers) to the tune of "Mary had a little lamb" with well timed roars in between. We could tell they were actually delirious with hunger by then.

Off we went to Stir Crazy - Priya polished off two orders of custom made noodles - a first so far. The service at this place was excellent; as Arya mentioned, there were no chinese staff in this mostly chinese food establishment!

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