Sunday, May 6, 2012

Visit to Yingge, Taiwan

Today we landed at 6:15am to a bright, sunny day in Taiwan.  The flight was extremely smooth and comfortable, and I slept for 10 whole hours.  Also watched two oscar nominated movies, Hugo and War Horse..
Teddy, Yuyi and their daughter Donna picked me up at the Sheraton, Hsinchu and we drove to the ceramic village of Yingge.  Lots of shops, big and small, sold ceramic teapots, teacups, mugs, vases, planters, soup bowls, and many more items.  It was easy to distinguish the more pricey locally produced pottery from the cheaper, chinese imports.  We walked around a couple of streets, and I picked up some souvenirs.  The crowd consisted of many locals doing their Sunday shopping, as well as tourists from China!

We had lunch at a delightful vegetarian restaurant, xxxxxxxx, where I had the most amazing, spicy brown rice with kimchi.  Delicious!!  For my return, I took the High Speed Rail (HSR) from Taoyuan station to Hsinchu station, and a short cab ride (T$130) brought me back to the Sheraton.  Great day to break in jetlag!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Buddhist restaurant in San Diego

James took me to Sipz, during my one day visit to San Diego yesterday. It is a buddist, vegan restaurant, and the Spicy thai Tofu salad and summer rolls were awesome!! Must do again.

San Diego to LA drive

Yesterday I drove by myself from San Diego to LA - I had arrived on 3/30/12 in the morning to visit the Systems and ASIC group in Qualcomm - my new assignment! Lakshmi, Srini, Siddharth and Nandita (5 & 2) were on a weeklong trip to LA, for Srini's International Relations conference. Since I had not met Nandita yet, I decided to stay over in LA and visit them.

I left work at 5:30pm, and folks told it would take 4hrs being Friday evening. It took me 3, but what a drive. The Garmin did a good job of rerouting me immediately away from I-5 to DelMar, which turned out to be a pretty drive along the coast. I passed many coastal communities with fancy eating places, while watching a beautiful golden sunset over the Pacific. So gorgeous!

Cardiff by the Sea, Encinitas, Solano Beach, etc. I joined I-5 at Cannon, and kept a good clip, but soon got turned toward 73, a toll highway, that climbed up the San Joaquin hills above Irvine. I had never been on this side before. Views were stunning, and the traffic flowed LA style - 75 and above, relentless, pounding.

Lakshmi called to invite me to dinner in Culver City, at Annapurna (10200 Venice Blvd.Culver City, CA 90232). Her cousin, Archana was also there. I enjoyed a super hot, sizzling paneer burji dosa. The kids were tired after a long evening at Santa Monica Pier, and Sidhartha fell asleep within mins. Nandita continued to lick the raita off the plate! Cute!!